• Environmental Sustainability

• History/Geography/Cartography

• Colorado Fishing

Fun word: Physiognomy – [fiz-ee-og-nuh-mee, -on-uh-mee]: the outward appearance, offering some insight into its character

Other, Cool, Fun experiences here.
(Some of these items may get moved to or already be listed on other pages.)

a. Head Chef
b. Water Feature
c. Rebuild Houses with Chuck Buczek
d. Rebuild Engines with Chuck Buczek
e. Drawing Samples?
f. Map Samples? (Most I have suck)
g. Cornhole Set
h. Ping Pong Champ/ BBall 3rd place
i. Rooftop Garden in NYC
j. Landscaping business through HS and College
i. Lawns
ii. Other Work, Gmas, Your guys’ yard and bushes
k. District Scheduling Committee Chair
l. Student Rep to the Board in HS
m. Estimating for Harvey Woo
n. Head of security for Lotus Entertainment I Denver
o. Head doorman for Monarck and 24K
p. Took courses in Poli Sci at CSU, it isn’t mentioned anywhere else…
q. Discovery Map Trials